Investment Funds and other big international investors face recently a problem regarding their investments in shares and other securities quoted in reputable stock exchanges. This is another problem after the huge losses they suffered due to the world economic crisis.

Considering the various sectors of investments, it is clear that the property investments still offer security and income which cannot be found in any other kind of investments. To this the green energy investments are showing signs of growth as a result of the official policies in the USA and Europe to combat pollution.

As a good example we can consider property investments in Romania, for which the following points are relevant:
The economy in Romania is showing signs of improvement, with economy growth one of the best in Europe, and the leu is stable with very small variations against Euro and other currencies during the recent couple of years.
The property investments in rented properties are quite different from the ‘speculative’ investments in which a lot of ‘speculative’ investors have been trapped due to the economic crisis and the sharp fall in prices of non-income fetching properties.
The property market during the crisis suffered very small losses in comparison with other areas of investments, , and now a rented property for one or multi million Euros can be bought with a return of 10% or even more return on capital employed.
In addition to the regular income there is also the expected capital appreciation as an additional benefit.
The constitution of Romania provides very strong security for private ownership, although care must be exercised on the titles of the properties to be purchased. A thorough investigation and examination of the titles. Is a pre-requisite before proceeding.


We at our office in the centre of Bucharest, manned with Romanian professionals, can offer global services to investors and businessmen , both in the initial stages in choosing the right investment suitable in each case, in checking thoroughly the ownership titles in cooperation with local lawyers, and thereafter in running and management of the investment, including all local legal requirements in full transparent reporting to the client.